Temperature Wind Chill Wind Speed Temperature, Wind Chill and Wind Speed
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  Forecast generated on Saturday 20 April 2024 at 6:00 EST
Saturday 20 April 2024
8 am 50.5° F
Wind Chill: 48.4° F
Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy UV: 1.3
0inches 68.5 % 5.7 mph
Wind from the W
9 am 52.9° F
Wind Chill: 50.4° F
Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy UV: 2.5
0inches 62.4 % 7.7 mph
Wind from the W
10 am 54.8° F
Wind Chill: 52.2° F
Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy UV: 3.4
0inches 57.2 % 9.2 mph
Wind from the W
11 am 55° F
Wind Chill: 52.1° F
Cloudy Cloudy UV: 3
0inches 56 % 10.5 mph
Wind from the W
12 pm 54.2° F
Wind Chill: 50.7° F
Overcast Overcast UV: 2.4
0inches 57.8 % 11.7 mph
Wind from the W
1 pm 53.5° F
Wind Chill: 49.6° F
Overcast Overcast UV: 1.8
0inches 58 % 12.9 mph
Wind from the W
2 pm 52° F
Wind Chill: 47.6° F
Cloudy Cloudy UV: 1.5
0.02inches 60.8 % 13.6 mph
Wind from the W
3 pm 49.1° F
Wind Chill: 43.8° F
Cloudy Cloudy UV: 1.1
0.01inches 70.1 % 13.7 mph
Wind from the W
4 pm 48.5° F
Wind Chill: 43.1° F
Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy UV: 0.5
0inches 69.7 % 13.7 mph
Wind from the W
5 pm 46.9° F
Wind Chill: 41.3° F
Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy UV: 0.1
0inches 72.5 % 12.6 mph
Wind from the W
6 pm 44.4° F
Wind Chill: 38.7° F
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy UV: 0
0inches 78.6 % 11 mph
Wind from the W
7 pm 41.4° F
Wind Chill: 35.5° F
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy
0inches 85.8 % 9.5 mph
Wind from the W
8 pm 39.1° F
Wind Chill: 33.4° F
Mostly clear Mostly clear
0inches 90.6 % 8.1 mph
Wind from the W
9 pm 37.4° F
Wind Chill: 32° F
Mostly clear Mostly clear
0inches 93.7 % 7 mph
Wind from the W
10 pm 36.1° F
Wind Chill: 31° F
Mostly clear Mostly clear
0inches 96 % 6.1 mph
Wind from the W
11 pm 34.9° F
Wind Chill: 30.4° F
Mostly clear Mostly clear
0inches 97.6 % 5.1 mph
Wind from the W
Sunday 21 April 2024
12 am 33.8° F
Wind Chill: 30.1° F
Mostly clear Mostly clear
0inches 98.7 % 4.1 mph
Wind from the W
1 am 32.8° F
Wind Chill: 30° F
Mostly clear Mostly clear
0inches 99.4 % 3.2 mph
Wind from the W
2 am 31.9° F
Wind Chill: 29.4° F
Mostly clear Mostly clear
0inches 99.6 % 2.9 mph
Wind from the W
3 am 31° F 30.05inHg
Mostly clear Mostly clear
0inches 98.8 % 2.4 mph
Wind from the SW
4 am 30.2° F
Wind Chill: 28° F
Mostly clear Mostly clear
0inches 97.8 % 2.6 mph
Wind from the SW
5 am 29.6° F
Wind Chill: 26.6° F
Mostly clear Mostly clear UV: 0
0inches 96.9 % 3 mph
Wind from the SW
6 am 31.3° F
Wind Chill: 27.2° F
Sunny Sunny UV: 0.1
0inches 93.8 % 4.1 mph
Wind from the SW
7 am 35.6° F
Wind Chill: 31° F
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy UV: 0.6
0inches 86.5 % 5.4 mph
Wind from the SW
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WxSimCSV Version 0.49.32.en
Script courtesy of: www.wellingtonweather.co.uk
Translated by http://www.wellingtonweather.co.uk

Random Fact


The total amount of precipitation the earth receives each year as snow, hail, and rain is equivalent to 10 million gallons of water for every person in the United States.